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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Faith, Part 2

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.                                                                          - Hebrews 11:1

If it’s not “now” it’s not faith. 

Trusting in the Lord Christ Jesus is a full-time, 24/7, 365, every second of every day of our lives occupation, and we need to live ALL of our lives by faith.

The story goes that during WW2, C. S. Lewis was talking to a small group of young RAF Airmen who were showing him the equipment used in the new technology of radar.  During the conversation, every one of the Airmen told Lewis that they were Christians, but when he asked them if God understood how radar worked their unanimous answer was no! 

Those RAF Airmen had so segregated their faith from the other areas of their lives that they didn’t recognize that they held two contradictory beliefs at the same time.  As Christians they believed in an All Knowing God, and as RAF Airmen they knew something that God didn’t. That’s dangerous thinking.

It’s dangerous thinking, because those gents had left having faith in God in EVERY area of their lives.  They were operating in their own thinking and abilities.  They’re actions and attitudes were Worldly.  And, I know they would have been better Airmen had they included God in their radar facility.

I too have to guard myself against ignoring God in areas of my life where I think of myself as “competent.”  Whenever I think “I know that” I’ve closed myself off from trusting God for His wisdom.  Whenever I act like “I’ve got it” I’ve chosen my strength instead of His power.  I’ve got to choose faith in Jesus Christ in the now of every area of my life – even in the areas that I think I do well.

This is my prayer, and I invite you to join me too . . .

Daddy, I come to you in Jesus’ name, and I ask that you would make me aware of the areas in my life where I turn down the volume on your still small voice and live like I don’t need you.  I thank you for your wisdom, and I choose faith in you in every situation in life.  I receive now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ– Amen!