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A Prophecy


I was in praise and worship today at the local church I attend.  I was having a good time singing and enjoying the presence of the Lord with my Brothers and Sisters when the Lord interrupted what I was up to and spoke to me about something that is coming in our society.


A few points of clarification before you read this prophecy:
         I am NOT writing scripture.
         I am NOT adding to the book of Revelation.
         This is meant to be cautionary as to the plans of the adversary.
         And, it is meant to be an encouragement – that out of adversity – the
          Lord brings victory!


“A time is coming and we are at the threshold when there will be devilish songs [songs in a modern worship style – imitating the Church]
Songs that worship Satan
That have the same words [But are not worshipping Jesus]
That the elect would be deceived, but for my grace. 
Have faith in the face of opposition. 
Keep lifting up the name of Jesus.
Have my heart.
Bless them and many will come.
Have faith – I come quickly.
Hold fast.
Everything will be victory in the end.
I come!”


I ask that you pray about what has been shared here and act accordingly. 

Your Servant in Jesus Christ,

R. J. LeCompte