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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jesus: Lover Of My Soul

“He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love.”
-- Song of Songs 2:4

    “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”
-- Ephesians 5:25

A recent conversation . . .

Me: “I am the bride of Christ.  You are the bride of Christ, and he wants 
          to romance us.”

Brother: “Chaps, that’s hard for guys to accept.”

I have practiced silence in the presence of God for years, but I consider myself a beginner.  I love it.  God is infinite.  God is always exciting.  He’s always the same and, at the same time, he’s always new.  And, HE loves ME.

I am his bride.                                                                                             

Like a bride, I just want to spent time alone with him.  I spend time alone with the Spirit of Jesus not to ask anything of him, but just to love him.

In the beginning God. . .

Was God worthy of love before you got born again?  Yes. 
Was God worthy of love before you were born into this world?  Yes.
Now peel back the events of time and ask was God worthy of love, worship, and adoration before:
Jesus died on the cross?
          Jesus was born of the virgin Mary?
          Before the Old Testament prophets wrote?
          Before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
          Before Noah?
          Before Adam?
          Before Creation?
          Before the Angels?

I thank God that I’ve received the amazing grace that the blood of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit have given me now and will give me in eternity, but if Jesus had never done any of those things he would still be worthy of ALL my love, because he is GOD!

My morning quiet time with the Spirit is fellowship with him just because I love him and he loves me.  I understand that the only reason I have fellowship with him at all is because of what he’s done for me, but I don’t worship Jesus just for what he has done or what he will do.  I worship Jesus for who he is.  He is “I am” and this boy is after him just because he is.

I come to him asking him for nothing.  I just want to be with the one I love.  I want to hear his voice.  I want to be in his presence.  I want to know him better.

His love for me is unconditional, and I attempt in my feeble human way to return that love in spending time with Jesus, the lover of my soul.

Let me close in prayer:
Daddy, I come to you in Jesus’ name, and I ask that everyone who reads this post would spend quiet time with you.  That they’d spend time just loving you, because you are the great “I am” – I receive it in Jesus’ name – amen.

1 comment:

  1. Robert, I am sure many men are trying to wrap their minds around this simple thought. I know for Bill this thought is more than simple to him. I'm glad you posted it on your FB. I pray other men will ready your thoughts and finally be able to take hold of Jesus' pure love for them! He is so worthy of our love!! :)
