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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Faith part 4

 “…the righteous shall live by his faith.” – Habakkuk 2:4

Faith is more slippery than we realize. 
We all tend to live life from the outside in rather than the inside out because it's just "natural".  But, we’re the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  We’re supposed to live by faith in HIM. 
Here’s a quick test. 
Which of the following statements is a statement expressing faith?
a)   The blood of Jesus Christ has removed that cancer.
b)   I hope the blood of Jesus Christ will remove that cancer.
c)    If it’s God’s will the blood of Jesus Christ will remove that cancer.
The answer is “a”. 
I’ve used the phrase “the blood of Jesus Christ” on purpose.  And, I’ve used that phrase because it’s a ridiculous thought that somehow “the blood of Jesus Christ” miraculously takes away ALL the sin of the world but can’t cure cancer.  Chemo therapy can cure cancer, but the blood of Jesus Christ can’t?!?!?  I’ve smelled manure with a more pleasant aroma than that sack of…
Here’s the short list of walking in faith:
1)    Faith is trusting in Jesus Christ for everything.
2)    Faith is in the “now”.
3)    Faith speaks the answer.
4)    Faith prays, believes, and receives before seeing with the eyes.
5)    Faith comes by the Word of God.
6)    Faith is a rest.
7)    Faith never lets go.
I pray the Lord give you wisdom and strength to act on His word, in Jesus’ name, amen.


  1. I am living by faith brother living by faith in Jesus above...trusting confiding in His great love.

  2. Sorry... I am still laughing over the manure comment! lol

    So glad that He has helped open my eyes, opened His arms to me so that I am now living in faith!! He is the only faithful one, the one I put all my trust in!
