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Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to the Beach

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Mark 1:35

“Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: "Everyone is looking for you!"
Mark 1:36 & 37

A resent conversation with a brother in the Lord . . .

          Me:     "What should a Pastor do on a Monday morning?"
Him:    "He should pray, read the Bible, spend time with God."
Me:     "What should a Christian do on a Monday morning?"

Him:   awkward silence . . .

I honestly don’t want that conversation or the previous post about the early morning praying on the beach to be condemning.  Some of us just aren’t morning people and that’s ok.  But, I want to go back to that beach for just a second and show you something.

Again, there you are standing on the beach.  As you stand there, the waves are getting further and further from your feet – the tide is going out.  And, with the energy of each crashing wave, the outgoing tide is taking with it the sand right in front of you.  You can see the change right before your eyes. 

Where does the water go when the tide goes out? 
It goes out to the deep.

What happens in the deep? 
Refreshing!  The waters are refreshed with nutrients, cleansed of impurities, and filled with living organisms until the tide sends the waters back upon the shore.

In our verses from Mark, Jesus is acting like the tide.  In his morning solitude, Jesus is refreshed in the depth of prayer and presence of God, and then he spends his energy out in the world doing the Father's will.  The result is our world changed, sins forgiven, and eternal life for those who believe.

No matter what time of day we are alone with God in the depths of his presence, we all need the refreshing that comes from that time with him.  And, in his presence, we see that Christ in us is glorious!  Then we can go forward imitating Jesus and changing our world around us.

Let me close in prayer:
Daddy, I come to you in Jesus’ name, and I ask that you would move everyone who reads this post to spend a time of solitude with you everyday.  Further, I ask that in that fellowship you would reveal yourself to my brothers and sisters so they would know you better.  I receive this, gracious God, in Jesus’ name – Amen!


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