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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, . . ." 
-- Ephesians 1: 18 (NIV; emphasis added)

  Q: "Why don't I feel glorious or see the glory in other believers?"
  A:  God didn’t save your feelings or your eyeballs – he saved your spirit. 

God expects that we order our lives like this:
(go read Romans 8:12-16 for more details)
The will, mind, and emotions are located in-between your ears.

Paul is praying that the Ephesians would have a spiritual understanding of this glory.  When you have that understanding – you’ll treat other believers differently.

I’ve had a revelation of this glory in others for years, but this is what the Lord showed me this past Sunday.  He gave me a vision.  We were in the middle of praise and worship, and I had my eyes closed.  I opened my eyes for a moment, and had a vision of the entire congregation for a split second.  In that vision I saw that everyone had inside of them what looked like a crucible of molten gold – God’s presence in their hearts! 

Now, I know that the Holy Spirit is NOT a pot of gold.  The Holy Spirit is a person.  The Holy Spirit is God.  What I was shown symbolizes the glory of God in those believers, and that very same glory is in YOU!

Let me close with this prayer for you:
Daddy, I come to you in Jesus' name, and right now no matter when or what day this blog is read, I pray that you would enlighten the eyes of the reader’s heart to see your glory in themselves and your glorious inheritance in other believers too.  I receive this from you, gracious Father, in Jesus’ name – Amen!


  1. Wow! What an awesome vision that is!

  2. Even if He is not gold.....He purges us like gold is cleansed....heats our spirits until it is molten and skims off what is dross so that we can shine like pure gold before Him because of His glory and His righteousness. His glory will forever be proclaimed from saved mankind because what was ugly and imperfect is made acceptable through Him. So that one day we can stand before a Holy God for eternity. That is the beauty of His glory. He alone cn do that....what an awesome word, Rob. Thank you.

  3. Great post Robert! I struggle sometimes with this subject! You are bringing clarity to it for me..

    Keep them coming,

