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Friday, December 17, 2010

Satan Wants to Kill Your Husband

If you are joining me from The Imperfect Wives, welcome!  I'm glad you've come to visit.  I pray that this post blesses you and encourages you to increase your efforts in prayer for your husband.

My Sisters in Christ, the World, the Flesh, and the Devil want to kill your husband. 

Q: “What do you mean they want to kill my husband?”
A: “The World, The Flesh, and The Devil want your husband to stop breathing
      immediately and permanently.”

No ifs, ands, or buts – The World, The Flesh, and The Devil want your husband: “6 foot under”, “dead as a door nail”, “pushing up daisies”, “bought the farm”, “kicked the bucket”, “dirt nap”, DEAD. 

Don’t believe me?  Believe Jesus,

“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” – Jesus.

This is what your husband faces every single day of his adult working life . . .

He goes to work and he’s beat down.  There is a constant low hum of anxiety and stress that at times erupts into the boss questioning his intelligence, his effort, his value, and his very existence.  At some point, The World, The Flesh, and The Devil whisper in his ear, “Everyone would be better off if I were dead.”

If he’s his own boss, he faces customers that are trying to squeeze him for every penny of the business’ life blood.  The very customers that he needs to provide for his family treat him like he’s a thief because he’s working to make a profit.  And, if any and every reasonable or unreasonable expectation isn’t met he’ll be hearing from their lawyer.  At some point, the World, the Flesh, and the Devil whisper in his ear, “Lots of people are making big money doing this, what’s wrong with me?”

You see, Sisters, the World, the Flesh, and the Devil sell men on the idea that only sex, wealth, and power count for anything, and the “snow job” starts when they are little boys.  We are shown the shiny sports car and we want it.  We see the sports star on TV and all the fame, fortune, and adoration (women) that come with being a “superstar” and we want it.  We see the corporate “tycoon” portrayed in the media as powerful and decisive and we want it.  These things are set up by the World and the Devil to entice the Flesh to feed all three in a spiral of death.

Your husband has God-given dreams of greatness in his heart that he is afraid to let out, because the world wants to blow that flickering light out.  Your husband knows that as long as he keeps those visions closed inside his heart the flame will keep burning, and the possibility that some day his “ship will come in” still exists. 

The World, The Flesh, and The Devil don’t want to kill everyone all at once.  Where’s the fun in that?  They want to bring as much pain and suffering as they can before death. 

The death of God’s vision for your husband’s life is the first thing they are after because it is spirit and of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that God’s vision for every husband is to be a Pastor, Missionary, or some other kind of Minister, but what I am saying is that God does have a ministry for your husband no matter what the work looks like. [Col. 3:23]  Your husband is called to shine the light of Jesus everywhere and in everything he does.

The World, The Flesh, and The Devil know that those dreams exist and if they could reach in and snuff it out by force they would.  But, they have no right to your husband’s heart, so they put as much pressure as they can on him to do it for them.  They whisper to him: “You can’t do that.”; “Where are you going to get the money?”; “How are you going to pay the bills?”; “You’re not smart enough”; “You don’t have the time for that.”; “It’s pride to think of doing great things for God”; “Everyone will just laugh at you”.

The fight is desperate.

Q: What did the master do to the servant who buried the one talent?
A: “. . . throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where
    there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'” – Matthew 25:30
              [Read Matthew 25:14-46 for yourself]

The World, The Flesh, and The Devil are trying to get your husband to give up on those dreams so that a small part of him dies – they want to kill the mustard seed of faith in Jesus Christ inside of him.  If they succeed, Death enters in and begins its slow dark crawl across his spirit, soul, and body.

To top it all off – there is a 99% chance that you are the only person on the planet praying for him.

Sisters in Christ . . .  

if you aren’t praying for your husband no one else is

My Dear Sisters . . .

if you aren’t positive with your husband no one else will be

Brides of my brothers . . .

If you don’t strap on the armor of God and fight in the spirit until your voice is raw, your eyes are weary, and your knees are callused in prayer for the one and only, highly flawed, and weak, little boy of a man that the Almighty and Sovereign GOD himself has chosen for you, then you will never see him rise up like the mythical Phoenix engulfed in the true flame of the Spirit as God’s vision roars out of him to engulf everything and everyone he touches.

Ladies, it’s God, it’s you, and your man – period. 

The people in your church love you two, and they will help you, but no one else in creation is joined to your husband like you and God are joined to him.  Jesus lives in him and Jesus lives in you.  You two are “one flesh”.  The three of you have a unique bond that only you and your husband can chose to break.

Don’t worry; God + you = VICTORY!

Rebecca prays for me.  She is more perfect than I am, but she is still imperfect.  But, my wife prays for me.  She pours God’s strength into me when I can’t find any.  She is my prophet when I succumb to the doubts and fears of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil.  She reaches into the Spirit and gives me living water that refreshes my soul, and I rise again to fight another day.  I have known victory and will be further victorious, because the Lord has blessed me.  I have a praying wife.  

Your servant in Christ Jesus,



  1. This is a very encouraging post. My husband is a business owner and can surely relate to most of it.

    I tell many-a-women that if they aren't their husbands biggest cheerleader then someone else would gladly do it.

    It is so vital to lift our husbands up in prayer, word and action.

  2. Rob,
    I, as a man,agree with every syllable of what you said. It's like you were reading out of the pages of my life. All the voices, the thoughts, the "I'm never gonna make it..." I'm glad to know that it's not just me. I don't feel quite so alone now. THX!
