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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You Are My Joy

I was listening to David Crowder Band's song You Are My Joy when the Lord hit me – Jesus Christ IS my joy. 

Now, that may seem like "duh," but think about it... 

If I don't live my life practicing His presence and constantly aware of Him in my life, how can I possibly experience His joy? Or His love...Or His peace...Or any of fruit of the Spirit? I can't.

I have to train my mind to think about Him and fellowship with Him all of the time. I've got to ponder His goodness and open myself to be continually filled with all that He is.

I believe that this is the antidote for what is commonly called going through a “dry” place or season spiritually. If I trust in my feelings to understand God's presence in my life rather than His Word, then eventually I start looking for emotions instead of looking for Jesus.

I'm not anti-emotion, but the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, not in my flesh. I'm not there yet, but my emotions should always be subject to the Holy Spirit and not to any external circumstance or internal mood. 

If I look into my own heart, I always find Jesus Christ and He brings joy .

If I focus on the Holy Spirit, who is the Lord, then I will always have JOY!

Here's the video...


Daddy, I come to you in Jesus' name, and I ask that you give everyone who reads this a revelation of your presence and the joy you bring to their lives. Help them to fellowship with your Spirit in ever-closer ways. I believe that I receive all of this in Jesus' name – amen. 

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